4 min read

Tiktok CEO周受资2022伦敦大学毕业演讲

Shou Zi Chew alumni video address | Graduation March 2022

前段时间,TikTok面临被禁危机,CEO周受资在面对美国国会时,展现出“舌战群儒”的冷静与才华,也让大家了解到这位年轻的商界精英。1 2

周受资(Shou Chew,1983年-),新加坡国籍


去年3月,他为自己的母校伦敦大学学院(UCL,University College London)3的毕业生做了一场演讲,用自己的经历鼓励学子们勇敢走出舒适圈。4

这场演讲以视频形式发布,全长不到 4 分钟,下面整理并翻译演讲全文。























Speech (English Version)

Hi, everyone. My name is Shou and I’m honoured to have the opportunity to speak with you today.

This is a very special moment for you and your entire family.

I still vividly remember sitting in your seats 16 years ago as a graduate of the Economics Department.

I want to take a few moments today to share a few things I’ve learned on my own journey.

Growing up in Singapore, a small island state, I knew that I wanted to see as much of the world as possible.

Being a UCL and living in London gave me a diverse and international experience. Like many of you, I made some amazing lifelong friends from around the world during my time at UCL.

After graduation, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do or where life would take me. In hindsight, there was no big plan.

I worked hard with what I had. I put myself out there, and I took chances when they came.

My first job out of college was to join Goldman Sachs, an investment bank in London. There I was introduced to DST, a young investment firm that had only just started.

I didn’t really have any investing experience then but I kept trying to learn and pushed myself to leave my comfort zone.

I met many internet founders during this journey, including the founding team of ByteDance and Tiktok, and many years later, I find myself taking my current role at Tiktok.

Somewhere in the middle of this journey, I chose to go to business school in the US.

I remember struggling with this decision, wondering if this decision would enhance or delay my career.

I’m glad that I did choose to go despite my own uncertainties, as it was there that I met my wife.

I would have no way to prove if my career would have been better if had taken another path, but I can confidently say that my life is fuller and more meaningful as a result of my decision.

The point I’m trying to make is to encourage you to embrace the journey you are going to embark on.

Life will take you in many directions. Work hard to make the most of what you have, take chances that will come your way, but don’t overthink it.

Sometimes you will have to leave your comfort zone, and you will feel uncertain and uncomfortable. That’s ok.

In my case, those were the times I found myself learning and developing the most.

The world is changing quickly, and there are always new situations that you’re not going to be familiar with.

No matter what you encounter, have confidence that the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired will carry you through. And know that your professors will be cheering you on and friends and family will be supporting you along the way.

  1. Who is Shou Zi Chew? What to know about the TikTok CEO testifying before Congress: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-ceo-shou-zi-chew/ ↩︎

  2. Who is Shou Zi Chew? Mounting scrutiny on TikTok puts new spotlight on its CEO: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/20/tech/tiktok-ceo-shou-zi-chew/index.html ↩︎

  3. University College London: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ ↩︎

  4. Shou Zi Chew alumni video address (Graduation March 2022): 腾讯视频 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/f35097wlsz3.html ;YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKSA4rnUcb4 ↩︎